2 things to try in 2023 so you can achieve your life goals as a busy mom!

Jan 31, 2023

Did you know that most people break their New Year's resolutions within the first two weeks of January?

It’s true!

Yes, according to a survey by Statista, about 78% of people break their New Year's resolutions within the first two weeks of January. To make matters worse, only 19% of people in the survey were successful in achieving their New Year's resolutions. This may be due to unrealistic expectations or lack of motivation and dedication.

As busy moms, we have so many tasks and responsibilities that goal setting can easily fall by the wayside as soon as life gets in the way. But this doesn’t mean that goal-setting should be abandoned altogether! Instead, goal-setting can become an essential part of your success story when done right.


How many times have you set goals and not met them?

How often do people ask you about New Year's resolutions?

Do you stick to what you say you will do?

So why is goal setting so important? The answer lies in the fact that goal setting provides structure and direction. Goals are like stepping stones – they provide you with markers of progress along the way and give you something to strive towards. Goals help us focus our attention and energy on what matters most instead of wasting time focusing on trivial things.

Life is hard, we get caught up in the 'lots of things to do.' 🤷‍♀️

We get tired and complacent.

We use excuses and put the kids first.

This year is all about having a new ATTITUDE. 💪


The key to goal-setting success is attitude. Attitude affects everything from goal setting to goal achievement, and it’s something that we all need to work on if we want to be successful.

When you have a positive outlook towards goal-setting, you are more likely to stick with your goals and achieve them in the end. Having a good attitude also helps you stay motivated and encourages goal-setting success because it helps keep you focused on what matters most—reaching those goals!

Your attitude is a choice. Yes we have sleepless nights and ranging hormones.

Yes, we have kids and endless responsibilities. 🦸‍♀️

But what do you really want out of life?

What makes you happiest?

Who are you going to choose to hold you accountable?

For a mid-year goal in 2021, I said I was going to buy some Olympic weights and start my postpartum recovery... I didn't do it in September, but I did do it in December 2021.🙈

Main reasons for not achieving this goal earlier...

  • I didn't have anyone to hold me accountable. My life coach stopped coaching me and I didn't have a backup accountability partner.
  • I genuinely was not ready, I set an uncontrollable goal to achieve before this goal and let it rule out this one. I told myself, because I didn't do the first one, I could not do the second one. This is rubbish... don't let one thing depend on another. Make sure you set goals for the right reason to start with.
  • Yes, we all make mistakes. But take ownership for them. Have a good, positive, can-do ATTITUDE. You set your goals and you smash them.

A good attitude will make goal-setting easier by helping you stay organised and motivated throughout the process. It will also help you see the bigger picture instead of getting bogged down in small details or feeling overwhelmed. Finally, a good attitude will help you stay on track and remember why goal-setting is so important in the first place.

Choose a NEW ATTITUDE and don't let anything stop you.



One of the biggest challenges for busy moms when it comes to goal setting is staying accountable for your goals, which can be difficult with all the other demands on your time. That’s where coaching support comes in! Coaching support is a great way to stay motivated and on track with goal-setting, as well as providing accountability to ensure that you are making progress towards the goal.

Coaches are professionals who specialise in helping people reach their goals by providing guidance and advice based on their experience and knowledge. They can provide valuable insight into goal setting, help you stay focused on your goal, and provide tools to achieve it. Working with a life coach can also be incredibly rewarding, as it gives you the opportunity to work together towards reaching new heights in your personal and professional lives.

When choosing someone to hold you accountable, point out your blind spots, encourage you to be courageous, give you tools to stay focused, increase your energy and state (mentally and physically)... Choose someone who is going to give you wholehearted support and positivity as part of the package.

If you want that extra help and support from a coach. Make sure you choose the right person, someone who gets you and will support you because they want to see you succeed. 🧡 Make sure your values align and don't just go for a cheaper or more affordable option. Money is an accountability tax, and a lot of the time... You get what you pay for.

With any coach, you should get to meet them (virtually or in person) and try some of their services for FREE before you commit to any payments.

Having a life coach that gets you, understands your situation, and knows what is important to you is like having a vehicle with the world's best sat nav that never runs out of fuel.

Overall, the key to sticking to your goals is attitude and getting coaching support. This year, make sure you give yourself permission to take time out for goal-setting and also take responsibility for achieving them.

If you're thinking about choosing a life coach, or a business coach, or if you already have one but it just doesn't feel right... Book in for a virtual coffee with me.

I'm more than happy to share coffee and chat to talk over your decisions. It's completely FREE, with no obligation, you don't have to use my services, but you do have to bring your own coffee!

I will do my best to make sure you don't make the same costly mistakes as I did! And put your mind at ease... and of course, psych you up to smash you goals with whoever you choose to work with👊


REFERENCE: https://www.statista.com/statistics/270728/percentage-of-us-resolutions-broken-in-the-first-two-weeks/