5 Ways to spice up your relationship even after having kids

Feb 14, 2023

With Valentine’s Day just around the corner, it can be hard to find a minute to scratch our bums, let alone cultivate more love and passion in your relationship with your husband!

😮 Wow ladies!!!

It's so common, and I have been there.

Fortunately, I have an amazing relationship with my husband, but we still have the "I don't get it" convos...

I have loads of tips I can share to build your relationships back up and have a happy, healthy sex life, but a lot of them are about speaking your truth and ACCEPTING who you are now. 😉

It's normal. I'm a life coach for moms, helping them to create more me time and reduce mom guilt so that they can live their lives the way they want to....

I see this daily. Most clients struggle with this... like 80 to 90% so I get you.

But as another mom, I'll let you into a secret.... it's bloody hard work!

As a parent, you have so many new stresses and struggles. Roles and responsibilities... The list is never-ending. 😵‍💫

Your energy seems to spiral, and sometimes you can feel like life is literally being sucked out of you.

But it doesn't have to be like that. 🙅‍♀️ Don’t give up, moms! We’ve got some top tips for you to help rekindle the relationship with your husband and enjoy more love and passion than ever, even after having kids. 👨‍👩‍👧

5 ways to renew your relationship, even after having children!

💖 1) Go on dates: 

Even if it’s just once a month, going on regular dates will help your relationship stay alive and vibrant. If the thought of going out with the kids in tow seems daunting, try planning an evening away from them. Even better – have someone come watch the kids so you can go out for dinner or drinks!

💖 2) Talk about yourself: 

It’s easy to get stuck talking about our children all day every day when we are both at home together. But taking some “me-time” for yourself gives you time to think about what YOU want in life, and how your relationship can help you get there. This gives both of you a chance to open up and share your hopes, dreams, needs, and desires with each other in a meaningful way. Continue to talk to your man about your feelings but explain that you know he dont understand, you don't need him to... you dont need permission but you do need support

Sometimes we just need a sounding board. Our whole lives change when we become parents. But moms take on so much more than just a care roll.

💖 3) Remember you're different! 

Remember you’re full of hormones and sleep deprived (that dont matter if your 1 week pregnant or your kid is now 30 years old). Hormones make you crazy and sleep deprivation make you insane. Accept the fact that a man will never ever get it... never know how you feel and never ever understand you or what you have been through or what your constantly battling with. Remember that you are enough, you are worthy and your doing a bloody good job!

💖 4) Prioritize yourself! 

When your feeling overwhelmed, try a breathing exercise, I like to doing a letting go visualization one (this worked amazingly well for me when I was going into theatre for the c-section). Please please take care of yourself. Your need needs to come first. Make sure your keeping up with your water intake (dehydration makes us grumpy).

💖 5) Laugh together:

Laughter is the best medicine and it can be a great way to reconnect with your partner. Try watching a comedy show together, or playing a silly game. Anything that will make you both laugh can help to break down walls in your relationship and bring you closer together.

These five tips are just starting points for reigniting the relationship with your husband after having children. They might seem simple, but they’re all important steps in creating an environment of open communication and understanding between you two. Happy Valentines Day!

We know that having kids can be a huge burden on any relationship. But with some effort and a bit of rekindling, you can easily bring back the spark in your relationship – even after years of parenting!

You are amazing. You're doing a fab job. Men are from Mars and women are from Venus!

If you're feeling alone or like you need extra support, I have loads of tools and techniques that I can share, but I'm aware I'm filling up this thread.

Click here to book a time for a virtual coffee chat or in-person coffee if you're closer.

I'm here for you. 🥰

I have been there.

My relationship was on the brink of divorce 3 or 4 times.

But now we are stronger than we have ever been.

Mainly because of managing expectations but I would love to hear your story and share what I have done to improve my life.

I know you can do this. If you want it!

Dont give up. Your doing an amazing job❤