Actual Ways mom's can beat imposter syndrome in minutes!😍

Mar 08, 2023

🙋🏻‍♀️ Anyone else constantly battling imposter syndrome?

Me too! I have big dreams, schemes, and plans for my life, but as a mom, I struggle with Imposter Syndrome, self-doubt, overwhelm, fatigue, and burnout. It’s hard work and something I’m constantly working on.

As much as I adore International Women’s Day, it can be hard to see so many incredible women sharing their success stories. 💖

➡️ If you’re a mom, the chances are you’ve experienced imposter syndrome at some point in your life. It might have been when you went back to work after having a baby and felt like you didn’t belong anymore. Or maybe it was when you had to face a room full of strangers after months of being in isolation with your little one(s). Whatever the cause, imposter syndrome can be debilitating and hard to shake off.

Fortunately, I have amazing coaches and mentors helping me on my journey, and I have found amazing tools that really work.

So, what is imposter syndrome? 🤔 It's quite simply the feeling that no matter how much success or progress we make, we just don't feel like we're good enough for it. We feel as if others will realise that all our accomplishments were luck or due to other people's help, rather than our own hard work. We think that sooner or later we will be “found out” and exposed as frauds. As moms, imposter syndrome can be particularly difficult to overcome because it often gets worse with the added responsibilities of motherhood.

🌻 3 ways to identify imposter syndrome early

There are three key things you should know about imposter syndrome if you want to recover from it:

🔎 Remember that imposter syndrome is more common than you might think - almost everyone experiences it at some point in their life! It doesn't make you any less capable or successful; it just means that your feelings don't match up with reality.

🔎 Recognize that imposter syndrome is not something you can just “get over” - it takes time and effort to work through the feelings and reframe your thinking. It's important to be kind to yourself and take things one step at a time.

🔎 Find ways to boost your confidence. This could be anything from talking with friends about successes or challenges, actively seeking out positive feedback from people you trust, or simply taking some time each day for self-care activities such as meditation or journaling.

🌻 4 Ways to reduce feelings of imposter syndrome

When imposter syndrome rears its ugly head, try these tips to help keep it in check with these simple habits:

✅ Remind yourself that imposter syndrome isn't real - it's just a feeling and not reflective of who you are or your capabilities

✅ Take a deep breath, and if necessary, take a break. You don't have to be perfect all the time!

Celebrate small successes - imposter syndrome can make it hard to recognize progress, no matter how small it is. Make sure to give yourself credit for any progress you make!

✅ Reach out for help if needed; imposter syndrome isn't something that you need to go through alone. Talk with friends, family, or a therapist about how you're feeling and get support when needed.

Imposter syndrome can be an overwhelming experience but there is hope! With these tips in mind, and some patience and understanding, you can start to recognize imposter syndrome as the illusion it is and begin to recover from it. Remember, you are capable and strong - imposter syndrome doesn't define you!

No matter what stage of motherhood you’re in, imposter syndrome can affect us all. It’s important to be aware of imposter syndrome and its effects, so that it doesn’t derail our success. With the right mindset and some self-care, we can not only survive imposter syndrome but thrive in spite of it! So don't let imposter syndrome hold you back - take a moment to acknowledge your successes and recognize your true worth. You've got this mama! 🥰

There are podcasts and soon-to-be masterclasses for every aspect of business and parenting you can imagine, but right now, there seems to be a huge need for mindset and programming yourself to set and reach goals to clear out that imposter syndrome and think positively on your journey to success.

That's why I'm offering complimentary consults.

If you’ve been struggling with self-doubt, Imposter Syndrome or overwhelm, come join me with a FREE insight into coaching. We'll unpack what's holding you back and offer high-performing habits that really work!

Do not feel guilty for working on yourself! It’s going to be the most powerful and inspiring chat that will shift you from feeling lost in direction or low in energy to feeling like you can make even the wildest of dreams happen!

Note that there are going to be NEW & FREE resources included too. 😉

If you’re interested in booking, you can sign up for free here. But hurry, there are limited spots!