7 ways moms can reduce fatigue and rest well after a holiday

Feb 28, 2023

💪We all take so much on in life...

When do you get to rest?

When do you schedule down time as a mom?

Let's face it, moms, the holiday period can be a stressful time. There’s so much to plan and organize – from finding that perfect gift for your family to prepping for Christmas dinner – it can feel like you’re running around in circles trying to get everything done! Unfortunately, it means restful activities often get pushed aside as we have to focus on other commitments. 

In fact statics show that:

  • 44% of adults get less restful sleep over the holidays
  • 55% feel more run down during the holiday period
  • 75% experience higher levels of stress.

But rest is crucial during this period too, especially if we want to keep up with all the hectic holiday activities.

Last Friday morning, I went to lay down for a little while and had 4 hours... 💤

I'm not trying to make anyone jealous, I have had insomnia, and I have three kids and a dog, so rest is something I did not used to prioritise, but guess what... when I'm tired or cranky so is everyone around me.

When I feel refreshed and energised... so does everyone in my house!🧡

Now I'm not saying go lay down for 4 hours at all. But when you connect with your body and listen to yourself and schedule a rest time or read or listen to music or a podcast, do some yoga or something that grounds YOU.🙏

It runs off on those around you.

🚀Energy is never lost, just transferred!🚀

That's why it's important to recognize when we need rest and honor our need for rest regularly!

🌻 7 types of rest you need right now & how to feel rejuvenated

According to TedX speaker Dr. Saundra Dalton-Smith, rest isn’t just about physical rest; there are actually six types of rest that every person needs, including mental rest and restorative rest.

💖 Physical rest:

We all know it's important to rest our bodies. This could mean taking a few minutes each day to do some light stretching, going for a walk or taking part in a restorative yoga class. Not only can physical rest help reduce stress, but it also assists with improved sleep and more energy during the holiday period.

💖 Mental rest:

Taking regular breaks from mental activities like studying or working is key for moms who constantly have things running through their minds. Mental rest can come in the form of listening to music, reading a book or writing free-flowing thoughts down on paper – anything that helps give your mind a break from all the busyness!

💖 Creative rest:

It’s easy to get stuck in a rut of doing the same old things during the holiday period, but it’s important to mix it up with some creative rest. This could be anything from painting, drawing or writing stories and poems to cooking or crafting. Creative rest is essential for moms as it can really help tap into your imagination and bring out your hidden potential!

💖 Social rest:

Taking time away from social media and connecting in real life with people is vital at this busy time of year. Whether that’s going out for coffee with a girlfriend or having lunch with family, setting aside time every now and then to chat about life can do wonders for our mental health.

💖 Emotional rest:

Whether you’re feeling anxious about the holidays or feeling overwhelmed with all the tasks you need to tick off your list, taking time for emotional rest is important. This might mean practicing mindfulness or journaling about how you’re feeling – whatever works for you!

💖 Restorative rest:

Everyone needs restorative rest occasionally, especially during the holiday period when we can often be on-the-go from dawn ‘til dusk. Restorative rest can come in many forms, such as having a long soak in the bath, watching your favorite movie or sitting outside listening to nature. Allowing yourself time to just do nothing is essential for moms who are constantly juggling family and work commitments!

So there it is, moms—6 types of rest that everyone needs to get through the holiday madness! It’s important to remember that rest is just as important as all the other festive activities, so be sure to factor it into your plans.

And don’t forget, if you need a rest from your rest, there’s no shame in taking a break from the hustle and bustle of the holidays—you deserve it!

We hope this article has helped shine some light on all the different types of rest everyone needs during the busy holiday period. So make sure you take time for yourself, moms—your mind and body will thank you for it! Happy Holidays!

Need help finding restful activities? Check out our FREE Me-Time plugin which builds rest into each day , yep you read that right. We've found a way to hack self-care into your daily routine no matter how busy you are. Download the free plugin here!

