Embrace Your Imperfections: Why Being a “Good Enough” Mum is Good for Everyone

Nov 14, 2022

🥰 Embrace Your Imperfections: Why Being a “Good Enough” Mum is Good for Everyone

🤗 We all know that mum guilt is a real thing. It's the voice in our heads that tells us we're not good enough, no matter what we do. But what if I told you that being a "good enough" mum is actually good for your kids? And for you? It's true! In this blog post, we'll explore why embracing your imperfections is essential for personal growth and development. We'll also discuss how to challenge yourself as an imperfect mom and make positive changes in your life.


Mum guilt is that little voice in our heads that tells us we're not good enough. No matter how hard we try, we can't seem to shake it. And it's not just moms who feel this way. We all have our own personal version of mum guilt. Maybe you feel like you're not doing enough at work, or that you're not spending enough time with your family. Whatever the case may be, mom guilt is a real and powerful force that can negatively impact your mental health. 

​​Guilt is an emotion that can be defined as feeling bad or unworthy because of something you have done. It’s different from other emotions like sadness, anger, or anxiety in that it specifically has to do with your actions and how they affect others.

There are a few scientific reasons why mum guilt is such a determinantal emotion.

1. Guilt activates the stress response.

When we feel guilty, our brain automatically goes into stress mode. This is because guilt activates the amygdala, which is the part of the brain responsible for the fight-or-flight response. This means that when we’re feeling mum guilt, we’re actually in a state of heightened anxiety and stress.

2. Guilt can lead to depression.

Studies have shown that there is a strong link between mum guilt and depression. This is likely because mum guilt leads to a sense of isolation and disconnection. When we’re feeling guilty, we tend to beat ourselves up and dwell on our mistakes. This can lead to negative thoughts and feelings about ourselves, which can eventually lead to depression.

3. Guilt can interfere with our decision-making.

Mum guilt can also interfere with our ability to make decisions. This is because when we’re feeling guilty, we’re not thinking clearly. We’re focused on the negative and what we did wrong, instead of what we could do right. This can lead to bad decision-making, and it can also prevent us from taking action to fix the problem.

4. Guilt can damage our relationships.

Mum guilt can damage our relationships in a number of ways. First, it can cause us to withdraw from our loved ones. We may start to avoid them because we don’t want them to see us as a failure. This can lead to isolation and loneliness. Additionally, mom guilt can also lead to resentment. We may start to resent our loved ones for not understanding what we’re going through. We may also start to blame them for our mistakes.

5. Guilt can impact our physical health.

Mum guilt can also take a toll on our physical health. This is because when we’re feeling guilty, our stress levels are high. High levels of stress can lead to a number of problems, including headaches, stomachaches, and trouble sleeping. Additionally, mom guilt can also weaken our immune system, making us more susceptible to illness.

When you consider these five reasons, it’s easy to see why mum guilt can be detrimental to your wellbeing. But ‘switching off’ mum guilt is easier said than done. That's why we’re encouraging you to challenge yourself to move past the guilt and embrace imperfection. 


Perfection is never attainable, and it would be boring anyway! We believe in adopting an imperfect parenting style that allows you to have off days, express yourself authentically, and show up as you are, warts and all!

5 reasons why you should embrace ‘Imperfect Parenting’

1. It allows you to be more present.

When you're constantly worrying about whether or not you're doing enough, it's hard to be present in the moment. You're always thinking about the future and what could go wrong. But if you can learn to accept that you're not perfect and that there will be times when you make mistakes, you'll be able to focus on the here and now. And that's a good thing for both you and your kids.

2. It helps you to enjoy motherhood more.

If you're constantly stressed out and worried about whether or not you're doing a good job, mum's life is going to be pretty miserable. But if you can learn to let go of the mom guilt and just enjoy the ride, you'll be much happier. Your kids will benefit from that as well.

3. It allows you to be a better role model for your kids.

One of the best things you can do for your kids is to show them that it's okay to make mistakes. We all have flaws, and we all make mistakes. What matters is how we learn from our mistakes and grow from them. If you can model that for your kids, they'll be better off for it in the long run.

4. It helps you set realistic expectations for yourself.

If you're constantly trying to meet an impossible standard, you're only setting yourself up for failure. But if you can learn to accept yourself for who you are, flaws and all, you'll be much more likely to achieve your goals. And that's good for both you and your kids.

5. It gives you permission to be human.

We all have moments when we're not at our best. But if you're constantly beating yourself up for being less than perfect, you're never going to give yourself a break. By learning to accept your imperfections, you're giving yourself permission to be human. And that's a good thing for everyone involved.


1. Recognise That Mum Guilt Is Normal:

The first step to challenging guilt is recognizing that it’s normal to feel guilty as a parent. All parents make mistakes, and it’s important to remember that we’re all doing the best we can.

2. Talk About Mum's Guilt With Other Parents:

Another way to challenge mum guilt is to talk about it with other parents. This can help you realise that you’re not alone in how you’re feeling. It can also help you learn from other people's experiences and find different ways of coping with mum guilt.

3. Seek Professional Help If Mum Guilt Is Interfering With Your Life:

If mum guilt is interfering with your ability to function on a daily basis, it may be time to seek professional help. This is especially true if mum guilt is causing you to feel depressed or anxious. A coach can help you work through your mom guilt and develop healthy coping mechanisms.

4. Practice Self-Compassion:

One of the best ways to challenge mom guilt is to practise self-compassion. This means being kind and understanding toward yourself, even when you make mistakes. It also means recognizing that we all have imperfections and that nobody is perfect.

5. Focus On The Positive:

When you’re feeling mum guilt, it’s important to focus on the positive. This means reminding yourself of all the good things you do as a parent. It also means taking a step back and looking at the bigger picture.

Mum guilt is a normal part of parenting, but it doesn’t have to rule your life. By challenging mom guilt, you can learn to cope with it in a healthy way. This will benefit not only you but also your child.

If you’d like to relieve mum guilt, check out our FREE challenge!