How morning routines can help you reduce stress as a mum

Nov 28, 2022

If you're a mum, you know that stress is practically synonymous with the job. From never-ending laundry and dishes to carpooling and homework help, it can sometimes feel like there's no end to your to-do list. And while some stress is unavoidable, there are things you can do to help manage it. One of those things is creating and sticking to a morning routine.

As mums, so many of us face daily challenges—whether it’s a new virus spreading at school or the kids getting into a fight just before an important work meeting, every day seems to be a new form of chaos! 

Given the daily parenting dramas, it’s no wonder your flight-or-flight response gets triggered, increasing your heart rate and blood pressure as your mind races with all the ways to resolve the latest kid-induced catastrophe! 


So how can a morning routine help reduce stress? For starters, it can help give you a sense of control over your day. When you have a set plan for what you're going to do each morning , it can make the rest of the day feel more manageable. 

Morning routines are a great way to start your day on the right note. Here is why a morning routine can help reduce stress: 

1. It gives you a chance to start the day on your own terms

When you have a set morning routine, you're in control of how your day starts. This can be especially helpful if you have young kids who always seem to be up before the sun. By getting up and starting your day before they're awake, you can enjoy a few peaceful moments to yourself. 

Even if it's just 20 minutes, those few minutes can make a world of difference in your stress levels for the rest of the day.

2. It helps you get organised

Part of the reason mums feel so stressed is because they're constantly trying to play catch-up. A morning routine can help you avoid that by giving you time to get organised before the chaos of the day begins. Make a list of what needs to be done today, both at home and at work. This will help you prioritise and make sure you're not forgetting anything important.

3. It allows you to focus on YOU

In the midst of taking care of everyone else, it's easy to forget to take care of yourself. But a morning routine gives you time to do just that, that’s why it’s important to be intentional about the way you start each day so you can get that much-needed me time. 


Whether it's reading, meditating, or just enjoying a cup of coffee in peace, taking some time for yourself each morning can help you feel refreshed and ready to take on the day.

Now before you write this off as a pipe dream, I encourage you to reflect on all the ways you let your precious me time slip through the cracks. 

Maybe you wake up in the morning and start mindlessly scrolling, or you pick up the phone to an unknown number instead of pausing to reflect on whether y, or saying yes to yet another commitment just because you feel as though you ‘should.’ 

All these little moments can rob you of your precious me time and leave you feeling overwhelmed, frustrated and energetically depleted. 

That’s why we’ve come up with several simple ways to create a habit-forming routine that starts your day off on the right foot. 


​​When it comes to creating a habit-forming morning routine, the key is to start small and gradually build up from there. That means picking one or two things that you want to do every day, and then slowly adding more activities as you get used to the new routine.

Habits are created when we do something consistently over a period of time, and eventually it becomes second nature.

As we keep performing the same action, the neural pathways in our brain become stronger and more ingrained. This is known as neuroplasticity, which refers to the brain's ability to change and adapt in response to new information or experiences.

So, if you want to create a habit-forming morning routine, the best way to do it is to start small and gradually add new activities over time. That way, your brain will have time to adjust and form new habits that will stick!

Here are some helpful tips for busy mums who want to create a habit-forming morning routine:


1. Wake up earlier than your kids: This will give you a chance to have some peace and quiet before the craziness of the day begins. Even if it's just 20 minutes, make sure you use this time for yourself.

2. Get organised the night before: This will help you avoid being frazzled from the moment you wake up. Make a list of what needs to be done tomorrow, both at home and at work.

3. Set a daily goal: Having a goal for each day will help you focus and stay on track. Whether it's finishing a project at work or taking the kids to the park, make sure your goal is realistic and achievable.

4. Make time for yourself. This is crucial for maintaining your sanity as a busy mum. Whether it's reading for 20 minutes or going for a run, make sure you're doing something that makes YOU feel good.

5. Don't forget to eat breakfast! Starting the day off with a nutritious meal will give you the energy you need to power through until lunchtime. 

6. Think positive! Beginning your morning with a list of things you’re grateful for can help you let go of any negative thoughts and set the tone for the rest of the day. 

Creating a morning routine can help reduce stress as a mum by giving you a chance to start the day on your own terms, getting organised, and focusing on yourself. So if you're looking for ways to minimise stress, give it a try!

Best of all, you don't have to religiously stick to a routine, it's ok if sometimes.. life happens. Just do your best to stick with it as much as possible! And soon enough, you'll find that mornings are a lot more manageable - and a lot less stressful.

What's your morning routine like? 

Let us know in the comments below! 📲👇