Luckiest Mummy alive...

Jan 27, 2022

It's not always like this!

Last night was all tears and shouting until 10.30pm! No one wanted to go to bed and there was sick and poop everywhere. 🙈

Accept it, sometimes sh't happens.

🙏Knowing that tomorrow will be a new day can be all you need to get through it. 

🙏Sometimes you just need to know you are not the only one who has off days.

🙏 Occasionally, you just need some help... physical help or mental help. 

If you can't get any physical help, like I didn't last night, get some mental help. Phone a family member, meet a friend for 

a coffee, get a life coach or reach out to other people in the same boat. 

It don't matter how you do it, as long as you don't suffer alone. 

Trust me, I have been there, I have tried to go it alone, I have lost myself, I have sat and cried my eyes out after shouting go to bed at 9pm over and over. I have spent £10,000s on learning and different kinds of therapy. 

Remember, everyone has problems, but learning how to make your life better, for yourself and for your family... it's not so hard if you have someone helping you and holding you accountable for the goals you set.

😮 You may be thinking about what others will think of you, that you have to stick that fake smile on your face and say "I'm fine" (#judgment)

😮 You maybe have #selfboubt thinking I can't do this anymore or I can't juggle all the balls 

😮 I literally have no #energy left, how am I possibly going to take on another thing without passing out?

😮 I don't have time to grab a coffee, I don't even have time to go to the loo by myself. There's no way I can get any #metime 

😮 You may not even know who you are anymore, who you were before being a mum. You may just need a little #clarity to rediscover yourself and think about what you really want.

💪It's ok! 

💪You have got this! 

💪You are not alone! 

💛I can help you!

💛I have got your back! 

💛I will give you wholehearted support!

ARE YOU UP FOR a virtual coffee to find out more?☕

Click HERE to book a bit of ME TIME for yourself (10/15mins). Grab a coffee and join me online for a chat and some FREE support. I look forward to meeting you.

If you want a bit more than a coffee, and you need more clarity right now, click HERE for a FREE clarity call where you can tell me all about the problems or obstacles you are facing right now. I would love to truly listen to you and offer you 3 simple techniques you can implement straight away to move forwards.

Time to ignite your #commitment to yourself. Reduce that dreaded #momguilt 

and become the best version of you!🥰