Motherhood feeling hard? What to do when you feel like giving up on being a parent.

Feb 16, 2023

Motherhood is hard!

Sometimes we just want to throw the towel in. In this blog, I share what motherhood has taught me, dive into why motherhood is hard, and provide four tips on how to make things easier for yourself.

The truth is...

I forgot how hard it was to be a new mom! 🤯

😮The sleepless nights

😮The growth spurts

😮The constant feeding

😮The c section recovery

😮Being thrown up on

😮Being shit on!

Add a milk allergy to an already gluten-free diet, and boom!

My mood and my energy are up and down like a yo-yo.

I know it's only temporary, and my mood is due to the hormones, and my lack of energy is due to sleep deprivation... I know this because I have done it twice before.

When motherhood is hard, it can be tempting to throw in the towel and give up. Just remember, you're not alone! In fact, Statistics reveal that:

  • 1 in 7 mothers experience postnatal depression
  • Almost 25% of women suffer from antenatal depression.

Knowing that you are not alone can help to normalise the thoughts and emotions that motherhood brings. But motherhood doesn’t have to be hard all the time – there are ways that you can make motherhood easier.

Here are 6 tips to make motherhood easier when it feels like too much:

🌻 1. Give yourself permission to take a break:

Take a few moments away from your kids – even if it’s just 5 minutes – and do something that relaxes and calms you down. This could mean taking a hot bath, going for a walk, or curling up with a good book.

Anything that helps you feel more at ease will do! When you fill up your cup first, you're better equipped to overflow all of your love and energy to others. Apply the mask first. Ask yourself, on the days that you are bossing it, because you do have those days, what are you doing differently? Did you have a good night's sleep? A nutritional breakfast? A hot cup of tea? Did you do something to make yourself feel good first?

🌻 2.Priotize self-care:

Looking after myself has never been a strong point for me. That's why I always put everyone else first, and when I occasionally ask for help, I get let down.😩 That's why I do what I do. That's why I only take on 20 clients a year. They become my friends, and I help them see the wood for the trees. I help them commit to themselves. I do this by giving them my wholehearted support. If you'd like a simple and easy way to practice self-care each day, download our FREE DAILY ROUTINE HABIT-TRACKER.

🌻 3. Ask for help from family and friends:

When motherhood feels overwhelming, it’s important to ask for help from family and friends. Offer up specific tasks that you know will help (like grocery shopping or meal prep) and let them know how much their support means to you. For example: “I’d really appreciate your help with getting dinner ready so I can spend some quality time with the baby.”

🌻 4.Focus on the little joys of motherhood:

It can be easy to focus on the hard parts of motherhood, but try your best to focus on the little joys as well, like cuddles with your kids, watching them explore and learn new things, or just spending quality time together. For example: “I love watching my baby learn to crawl! She looks so proud of herself, and it fills me with so much joy.”

🌻 5. Connect with other moms:

It helps to talk about motherhood with other moms who understand what you’re going through. Join a motherhood group online or in your local area, and make friends with other moms who can relate to your motherhood journey.

🌻 6.Give yourself a pep-talk!

You are amazing! You are doing a great job! 💪You may be sitting in the cupboard crying (oh wait, that's just me), but it's OK! 🤷‍♀️ No one preps you for the real load of motherhood or the constant "mom Guilt"😭 No one tells you how they can go from little 👼 to little 😈 in 2 seconds flat. You are never alone. I have had so many conversations this week about moms crying or feeling worthless. Well, YOU are NOT. YOU ARE AMAZING and yes, they may not tell you and they may not show you, but you are their world.

No matter how hard motherhood gets, remember that you are not alone! Reach out for help when you need it, and take comfort in knowing that there are others out there going through the same thing. You’ve got this, mumma! 💪🏼✨

Don't forget! Download our FREE DAILY ROUTINE HABIT-TRACKER.

Come one, mama... brush yourself off and go again.👊