Stressed-out mom? How to Reduce Overwhelm in 3 steps

Feb 07, 2023

Are you feeling overwhelmed? That sense of overwhelm can be especially strong for a mom! Whether it's juggling work and child care, trying to keep up with all the duties at home, or simply managing your own expectations, overwhelm can quickly creep in.

It's ok to feel like this. Everyone does at some point.😔

There are so many things to be overwhelmed about, but here are some techniques I use to help myself and my clients deal with that feeling of chaos.

But here’s the good news: Overwhelm doesn’t have to rule your life. With some simple steps and strategies, you can easily reduce your overwhelm and start taking control of things again.

3 simple steps to deal with overwhelm as a busy mom.

1. Acknowledge: 🤗

Give yourself a pat on the back for actually being honest with yourself and connecting with your body! Knowing how you feel and knowing how that makes you behave is an amazing tool to have.... Now you just need to use some habits and strategies to manage it.

Seeing overwhelm (or any other feeling) as something that just needs to be addressed is a step in the right direction. Recognise that overwhelm is part and parcel of motherhood, but don’t let it define your entire experience!

Here is how:

  • Try writing out your thoughts in a journal or notebook. This will help you process overwhelm better and give you some clarity on what needs to be done next. For example: â€œI am feeling overwhelmed because I have to do x, y and z. I can break these tasks down into smaller chunks and tackle them one at a time”.

2. Release Control: 🤗

It’s easy for overwhelming situations to spiral out of control and overwhelm our lives. To avoid this happening, you need to take steps to take back the power from overwhelm. Create a plan or ‘toolkit’ of strategies that you can deploy when feelings of overwhelm start to creep in.

This could include anything from making time for yourself each day, scheduling breaks throughout the day, setting boundaries with others, or learning relaxation techniques like mindful breathing or yoga.

Here is how:

  • Make time for yourself each day. Take a few minutes to do something that brings you joy and makes you feel energised, like reading your book or going for a walk.
  • Schedule breaks throughout the day. Even if it’s just five minutes, use this time to refocus and reset your mindset so overwhelm doesn’t have any chance to take over.
  • Set boundaries with others. Being a mom often involves juggling multiple roles, but don’t forget about setting boundaries so overwhelm can be kept at bay.
  • Put calendar reminders to look after yourself and enjoy me-time! Want a free plugin that does this for you? Download for FREE and reduce stress in minutes.

3. Breathe: 🤗

Breathwork is one of the most powerful tools we have at our disposal to reduce overwhelm. Take a few moments to focus on your breath. This simple act can help to centre you, reduce stress hormones and re-energise you so that you can face your challenges with clarity and ease.

Here is how:

a. Find a comfortable position, and focus on your breath as it enters and leaves your body.

b. Become aware of the sensation of air passing in and out of your nose or mouth.

c. Take several deep breaths, slowly counting each one (e.g., “inhale one - exhale two”).

d. Notice how the quality of your breath changes with each breath cycle; you may find that it becomes slower, deeper, or more relaxed as you continue to focus on it.

e. As thoughts arise, gently acknowledge them but try not to get caught up in them—simply bring your attention back to the sensation of breathing.

f. Continue for a few minutes (or more, if you have the time) and then slowly open your eyes.

By focusing on your breath and allowing overwhelm to pass through rather than become a permanent state of mind, you’ll find yourself calmer, clearer, and more in control.

By applying these three tips, overwhelm won’t have to overwhelm your life anymore. Of course, it is okay for overwhelm to come up occasionally, but when it does, take the time to acknowledge it, take back control, and use mindful breathing techniques to bring yourself back into balance.

Taking back control from overwhelm will help you get through those tough times with more ease and mental wellbeing grace. Good luck!

Remember: Overwhelm doesn't have to define our experience as moms! By taking just a few simple steps, we can reduce overwhelm and start taking control of things again. Give yourself a pat on the back for being honest about how you feel and connected with your body! And remember to take time for yourself—after all, self-care is at the very foundation of mental wellbeing.

Don't be afraid to ask for help when overwhelm creeps in; there will always be someone who can show you the way out. So mom, take care of yourself because only then will you have the energy to take care of everyone else! ❤️🌈✨