The 8 Simple steps to building your self confidence as a mom

Feb 23, 2023

As moms, it can be hard to remember what self-confidence even looks like! We're up to screaming kids and avoid the mirror at all costs until someone points out we've still got some food on our top. No shame! This feels like me on a daily basis! 🤗

While we can joke about it, every once in a while, things can feel a bit too much. You know those days where you just feel awful about yourself, like nothing you do is good enough? The self-pressure to just be the best in all areas of our lives can be overwhelming and cause your confidence to plummet!

The other day, my confidence hit rock bottom! 😔

Since we’re on the road travelling, we don’t have a proper shower in the Campervan, so we bought a high-pressure bottle with five litres in it maximum. 💦

Generally, the water lasts about 10 minutes, and that’s enough for everyone.

Now, despite being up really late, I still woke up early because I wanted to squeeze in some me-time before the daily madness began.

As luck would have it, I was conditioning my hair when the baby woke up so I hoped out of the shower (with a head full of foam looking like some sort of vanilla ice cream top!) to quickly attend to her, then brought us both back in the shower so she could be cleaned up for the day ahead.

I hadn’t even finished washing my OWN hair when my hubbie- Jamie started shouting at me for using all the water!

He was having a Mardy at me! Going on about there not being enough time for him to enjoy a shower and saying that I was being selfish. (Maybe he woke up on the wrong side of the bed because he was being an unusually grouchy pants that day - hello man period!)

He came around later and gave me a kiss and apologized…

But naturally, my self-esteem was struck, and my confidence took a hit! 😥

Even though I managed to wash my body, wash and condition my hair, and look after the baby, I felt incredibly guilty for taking a few extra minutes in the shower for self care. I didn’t even want to put makeup on; I was in such a bad mood afterwards!

I’m so used to thinking, but oh, there’s none left for the kids or the husband, that I’m cutting my showers short, rushing around making sure everyone is looked after.

I had to take a moment to remind myself that yes, I do deserve a longer shower, and yes, I can take time for self-care!

Are you, as a mom, taking that extra long shower, or are you too busy rushing through to get the kids sorted or get something else on the list ticked off?

If you’re not sure why you’ve been feeling a little ‘off’ or ‘blah’ lately, chances are you haven’t taken enough time for self-care, and this could be impacting your self-esteem.

Between our long list of errands and responsibilities, there doesn’t seem to be enough time in the day for self-care, so it's no surprise if you’re feeling a little insecure. Read on to discover if this applies to you.

6 Signs you may have low self - esteem:

Quick quiz, tick all that apply:

◻️ You’re trying to please everyone instead of yourself, and you often put yourself last on the list, because you don’t want to offend anyone or drop the ball.

◻️ You say yes to everything, even when you don’t want to, because you feel you ‘should’ do it.

◻️ You often compare yourself to other moms and wonder what you’re missing or doing wrong.

◻️ You catch yourself thinking that you’ve failed as a mom and that nothing you do seems to be good enough!

◻️ You have been feeling really heavy and serious lately.

◻️ You’re not able to express what you need and want.

If any of that sounds familiar, it's time to get started on building self-confidence! We get it! We have been there, and that’s why we have created 8 simple ways you can step into the new, more confident version of you!

8 Essential tips for busy moms wanting to boost their self - confidence

💗 Take Time for Yourself –

Whether it’s a yoga class or an evening stroll through a park, taking some regular “me time” is essential for helping nurture self-confidence. Even if it’s just 15 minutes here and there off your phone or away from your emails—whatever works best with your schedule! This builds confidence by nourishing your needs and boosting happiness hormones.

💗 Find What You Love –

Feeling confident is all about self-expression, so take some time to think about the things that make you unique or the activities you’re passionate about. This could be anything from painting, photography, cooking…whatever it is that allows you to express yourself in a positive way!

💗 Make Positive Changes –

Take inventory of what makes you feel good/bad and look for ways to adjust accordingly. Whether it’s eating healthier foods, taking up a mom-friendly exercise routine, or self-care activities like reading a book—finding small changes you can make to help foster self-confidence is key!

💗 Celebrate Your Successes –

It’s important to recognize your successes, no matter how big or small they may be. If you can take the time to celebrate even the little wins in life, it will give you an extra boost of self-confidence that’ll carry over into many other areas of your life.

💗 Practice Positive Self-Talk –

We’re often our own worst critics, and self-talk can get into a negative spiral. When you catch yourself in one of those moments, take a step back and try to reframe your thoughts. Instead of thinking, “I’m so stupid for forgetting that detail," simply remind yourself, “I’ll do better next time."

💗 Put Yourself Out There –

Whether it’s trying something new or standing up for your beliefs, pushing ourselves out of our comfort zone helps build self-confidence by developing self-trust in our own decisions and actions.

💗 Reach Out for Support –

Asking for help isn't easy, but it is essential. Research shows that self-confidence grows when we have a supportive network around us—so don't be afraid to reach out for help or advice when you need it!

💗 Remove people who put you down -

The people around us can have a big impact on our self-confidence. If there are people in your life who bring you down or make you feel like less of a person, it’s time to cut them out and find more positive influences.

Being a mom doesn't mean having to sacrifice self-confidence! Self-confidence is something that takes time to cultivate, but with these tips, you’re well on your way to becoming the most confident mom on the block! - Jennie can step aside.

These tips aren't just easy to implement, they're also effective! So what are you waiting for? Start this new year off right by building your self-confidence—you deserve it!

With just a few simple tips and tweaks here and there, you'll be ready for 2023 and feeling like your most confident self in no time, and it will be your most confident year yet. Good luck!

If you’re curious to learn more about how to super-boost your confidence in a matter of weeks, book a call with me today! I’m always happy to share some helpful resources 😊