Why gratitude is the solution to mom guilt this Christmas 🎄

Dec 23, 2022

"Chances are you're experiencing a bit of mom guilt these holidays." 😔 Maybe you feel like you could get more presents for the little ones, or that you should spend more time with grandma, or that your kids have had a bit too much screen time lately for your peace of mind, or that maybe your decorations don’t look as good as your neighbours.

If you’ve been feeling mom guilt, know that you’re not alone. Mom guilt is nothing new, and during the festive season it feels a million times worse! 😭

We’re living in a van, but the kids want a Christmas tree.🎄 I’m not going to be able to give them a proper Christmas. Are they missing out on an essential family holiday?

These thoughts were ringing in my head on repeat.

Naturally, we want to create a sense of Christmas cheer during the holidays, but since we’re on the road, the festive décor must be kept to a minimum.

Yes, we’ll get creative (Santa can stock up on a portable marshmallow roaster). 🎅

But part of me still wonders if they would have a better time in a stable house in front of the fire crackling. But you know what! Sod it!

There are so many things that can and probably won't go according to plan, but there are even more things to be grateful for, like a roof over your head and loved ones by your side. 🥰

It’s easy to forget all that we have when we’re focused on all that we ‘should’ be doing or obtaining. Whether it’s another Christmas ad revealing the latest shiny toy for your kids or a smart pair of speakers for your hubby, it’s no surprise that we get caught in the comparison trap with all this marketing being thrown our way!

💁‍♀️ If you are experiencing mom guilt during the holidays, know that you are ENOUGH. There are so many what-ifs and should dos, but ultimately, as long as the kids are surrounded by loved ones in a safe environment, they will cherish these memories for years to come!

Mom guilt is tough enough as it is without adding the holidays to the mix. After working with hundreds of clients, I can tell you there’s no quick fix to resolve mom guilt or magic bullet for avoiding comparison. BUT I can also tell you that there are ways to feel better about where you’re at right NOW.

👉 The solution? Intentionally setting time aside each morning to feel gratitude. Yes, we don’t just want you to absentmindedly list one thing you’re grateful for. The magic lies in truly reflecting on what brings you joy and embodying that feeling, even if just for a moment.


Gratitude has a myriad of benefits including:

🗸 Reduces stress

🗸 Improves overall wellbeing

🗸 Increases positive thoughts

🗸 Provides a record of happy memories and moments

🗸 Lower levels of cellular information

🗸 Greater resiliency

🗸 Encourages the development of humility

🗸 Increased happiness and positive mood

Research also reveals that gratitude is a ‘pro-social behaviour’ and when practised frequently, it will not only give you benefits but also facilitate helping behaviour and reciprocity towards others.

In other words, gratitude 🤗 can help reduce feelings of helplessness and strengthen social ties, so you’re more likely to be stress-resilient because you’re reminded of the support network that surrounds you on a daily basis.


  1. Set an alarm or calendar reminder to set aside 5 minutes of time each morning so you can practise gratitude. You can download our FREE me-time plugin to do this automatically for you.
  2. List 5 things you’re grateful for from the day before and 5 things you are grateful for for the day ahead. Don’t overthink it, jot down the first thing that comes to mind.
  3. Now pause and re-reread what you’ve written. Feel into the present moment and embrace the feelings of joy, ease and fulfilment that these moments inspire. This is the secret to a gratitude practice that works and lasts - feeling the gratitude!
  4. Repeat daily.

BONUS TIP: Not a writer? No problem! Grab your phone and hit record, you can simply use an audio note and play it back!

Before you know it, you’ll be feeling a bit lighter, the weight of things will become less heavy as you realise maybe you didn’t need to take things as seriously because life is good!

🙋‍♀️ Yes, your kids might not appreciate everything you do, but you love them unconditionally, and they love you! especially when you give them marshmellows. Mmm marshmellows! Now that's something to be grateful for. 😉

By practising gratitude you can reduce that cheeky mom guilt from creeping up and instead, kick the holiday season into gear.

Let's take a breath and remember to practise a bit of gratitude this holiday season.

Comment below with 3 things you’re grateful for! 💗


14 Benefits of Practicing Gratitude (Incl. Journaling)