Top 5 stress relief tips for moms this festive season 🎁

Dec 30, 2022

Feeling the post-Christmas puff? 🎄 You know, bulging bellies, sluggish days.

No judgement, this time of year can leave moms feeling more manic than merry!

You’ve likely had some tough conversations with family or ran into someone you’d rather not see again. Maybe they made some nasty side comments, or reminded you of memories you’d rather leave in the past. Or maybe part of you got caught in the comparison trap as friends and family members wrapped up their achievements for the year, leaving you feeling less than shiny! 😟


If you’re feeling stressed, you’re not alone. Statistics show that the holiday season can be especially tough on moms. In fact, a study by The American Psychology Association reveals that “more women than men shoulder the responsibility of holiday shopping and planning, and report stress from the limited time available to get everything done. (APA) and to make matters work this stress starts early for parents! With 27% of surveyed Americans begin to stress about the holidays by the beginning of November! (Total Brain).



With the expectation to give everyone gifts, cook up a lavish feast, and decorate the house in tinsel from top to toe, it’s no wonder our pockets are wearing thin! Financial pressure is one of the top reasons mom feels stressed during the festive season, especially as work eases up and the holidays near. Encourage your family to embrace experiences over items and remember that it’s happy memories that the kids will treasure most, not shiny toys (despite what advertising suggests - these don’t have to be synonymous!).


Whether you’re expected to speak to the inappropriate uncle, embrace Aunt May’s ancient festive traditions, or simply spend time with people who are best left in small doses, family expectations are likely placing an emotional weight on your decision making. Setting healthy boundaries early will help reduce familial pressures. You’re well within your rights to leave early, say no to a request, or simply not elaborating when asked! Filling up your cup first is essential!


With an assortment of delicious treats at the ready, it can be tempting to gorge, overeat, or indulge; after all, it’s the holidays! The challenge comes with balancing enjoying yourself with not looking like Santa in all the Christmas photos. If you’re experiencing pressure to look, be, or eat a certain way, know that you’re not obligated to justify your food choices to anyone, and happiness beats dress sizes any day!


You’ve barely finished up at work before you’re expected to dash to the store, purchase all the Christmas gifts then get ready for the end of year celebration, then there’s . If you’re running around more like a headless chicken than usual, we suggest two words. Automate and delegate. What can your partner take off your plate? Can you order things online and have them delivered instead of spending hours battling the crowds in stores? Make small swaps to clear space for what matters most. You-time!


Sometimes it can feel like moms are expected to perform a Christmas miracle! If we can’t control the weather and want snow, we can create some fake snow. Santa is barely keeping himself together; no problem, you’ll get him dressed and remind him to set an alarm so he can be up bright and early for the Christmas cheer (he’s already eaten the cookies; some things don’t need a reminder!).

There is an unwritten rule that Christmas should (should there be that word again) be a magical time for kids, but we’re here to remind you to unsubscribe from the festive hype and impress perfectly imperfect parenting.


We know that all of this is easier said than done, so we have also provided you with this added exercise to help you release stress, let go of control, and gain clarity on what to prioritise.

Simply grab a paper and pen and set aside 5 minutes maximum.

  1. Draw a large circle & write ‘things outside’ of my control
  2. Draw a small circle inside and write ‘things within my control’
  3. Now fill in each circle with all the stresses, worries, tasks on your mind.

💁‍♀️ You can control whether you buy your husband a gift, but you cannot control whether the kids will believe in Santa next year.

🥳 Finally, highlight anything you can delegate and assign it to someone else.

Done! This simple exercise is frequently used by coaches to help you see that much of your worries, stresses and concerns are things that you can not change or do not have direct influence over. In this way, I encourage you to release the pressure of having to do and be everything this festive season.

If you’re looking for a quick and easy way to reduce stress during the holiday season, simply click the link in my bio to download a FREE daily routine habits tracker that will be your best friend so you can be confident and organised each day.

Did we mention it’s free and easy to install?